Investing summary 2019 June

Mintos summary

Investing summary 2019 June

If my investments would rise up as much as the temperatures in the last couple of days (+33°C), I would already quit my job. (Un)fortunately, it’s not the case and I also happen to have air condition in my office, so the life isn’t that bad here either. In June, my investments did rose quite happily and I also received my first dividends payments.

P2P Loans

Mintos summary

Mintos is the all-time best in my Investing summary, not only for 2018 but it also continues to be the best performing investment also in 2019. I made a deposit of 700€ in June and adjusted my auto invest rules. The main focus is still on loans with 10-13% return per year and maturity less than 24 months. I noticed recently, that it takes a little bit longer to auto-invest outstanding money, but that usually takes only a day or so. We’ll see, how it will affect the yields next month.

Weighted average interest rate: 11,12%
Weighted average remaining term: 16 months


Mintos - country diversification

Gain 1% EXTRA on Mintos

Fast Invest summary

My second month on Fast Invest went very smoothly. Maybe too much. My experience from Mintos is, that 10-25% loans are delayed. Not much, but usually 1-15 days is very common. It’s completely understandable. But on Fast Invest, I received ALL the investments precisely. I mean that is great, right? And yet I am little bit suspicious, that nothing in life goes exactly like planned.

Fast Invest June 2019 summary

Earn with Fast Invest from 1€

P2P Real Estates – Crowdestate summary

Two of my real estates projects came to an end in June, so I received the principal + interest (+14,67%). On Crowdestate most of the projects don’t pay monthly payment, but a whole sum at then end of the project. It’s little bit different from P2P Loans, but completely reasonable.

Buy P2P Real Estates

Cryptocurrency – trading in CZK on Coinmate

coinmate available currency pairsI used to use Coinbase for purchasing crypto in the past, but recently a friend told me about Coinmate and I quickly created account at their site. With Coinbase, I always had to convert my CZK into EUR/USD and pay double fees – for exchange and then for transfer. Now, I can save a lot of money with Coinmate, as they allow trading in CZK (and EUR of course too). The trading fees here are also one of the lowest you could find (0,05-0,15%). Another benefit is, that they use the same bank as I do (Fio bank), so the transfer is almost instant. The platform is well established (since 2014) and was founded here in Czech Republic and then sold to UK based owner.

I don’t want to give any specific recommendation here, as crypto market is considered as risky investment, but I generally believe in the crypto idea and like the concept. One of the reasons, why I think crypto can be a good investment in 2019 and later on, is that now big players will join. Buying BTC was often the first experience for “investors” back in 2017, who didn’t have any prior knowledge, how the market behaves. When senior traders start trading it, the price might get much more stable and then it would not just be gambling. As Facebook announced their own crypto currency backed up by companies like Visa, MasterCard and many others. I hope crypto currencies will be taken as serious currencies and not just speculations.

Invest in Crypto in CZK/EUR safely

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