Investing summary 2018 September

invest summary

P2P investing has been the main focus of my portfolio, so far. I added Crowdestate and Bulkestate platforms. Both of these are providing my portfolio with real estates investments. Even though I am not a huge fan of investing into a real estate directly, I am more than happy to invest in this sector via P2P platforms. The income it generates is quite good (13-17%) and I don’t see this trend to go low. There is still huge demand of apartments/houses to rent. I am going to explain my portfolio mindset in this investing summary

Investing summary 2018 September

I will start posting statistics from Crowdestate and Bulkestate hopefully in next months. Finally, I invested more into Mintos in September 2018. I increased the account balance by 700€ and I am still considering another increase till the end of year. The only thing that holds me back from investing more on Mintos is the diversification. Even though the diversification on Mintos works very well, I have to be careful overall. I would like to increase my balance on Crowdestate and maybe also Bulkestate platforms.

Investing summary on Mintos 2018

My first shares – Degiro

Speaking of diversification, I finally found the courage to create an account at online broker to buy my first shares! I am really happy about this step, as I was planning to do it before going to Santiago in summer. The main reason I choose Degiro as my broker for handling stocks is it has the lowest transaction fees. Otherwise I can’t compare much. My first stocks I bought were Coca-Cola Company (KO) as they are paying a dividend and are one of the most stable companies in history. My next target was to buy Vanguard ETFs. I managed to buy few S&P500 ETF for decent price. That’s enough for now, as I would like to take step back, observe my emotions. If everything goes well I will buy more in Q4 2018. 


degiro fees

Mintos summary

As I mentioned earlier, I also deposit more money into Mintos. I sent the money in mid September and I haven’t received any payments yet. So the numbers might not reflect the actual interest earnings. However, I can expect that earnings in October will be higher already. As you can see, there are still no default loans on Mintos in my portfolio, which is great. It really feels like doing nothing and still getting paid.

Mintos summary 2018 September


My investing summary for September 2018 is over, but If you are considering to start investing in P2P platforms, Mintos is the safest choice now. If you found information on this blog helpful you could use bonus of +1% for new investors from invested capital in the first 3 months. Use the referral link here (me, as a recommendatory will also get 1%). You can also register without the referral bonus, however it’s a pity not to use it, when Mintos offers it. Basically, it will cover your money transfer expenses to Mintos. If you really want to lower your expenses down, try this Transferwise account.

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  1. Hi, Do you invest in foreign currencies? what about currency risk management? when Czk or Eur get stronger than currency of loan. Those canbe a big loses.

    • As my portfolio is still rather small, I think currency diversification would be too inefficient. I would pay more on the conversion fees, than is the risk of EUR/CZK going of the current values. There are some loans in CZK, RUB, GEL, PLN … but I don’t like the idea to be spread so thin all over.

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