Mintos summary 2018 July and August

Mintos summary

This summer was the first one, when I was away for longer period of time ((Santiago de Compostela) AND my investments were still working. So I could finally enjoy travelling and investing at the same time. You can see my monthly summary of Mintos investments below (July and August together).

Mintos summary 2018 July and August

The passive income wasn’t as good as I expected. Mainly because my autoinvest strategies ran out of available investments. This resulted into a fair share of my capital on Mintos were not working and simply stayed in my account, not invested. This lack of investment opportunities, was caused by a lower amount of interesting loans to invest in. And also by loan originators themselves. As the interest rates are growing globally, loan originators have to adapt.

summary 2018 August

I did few adjustments to my autoinvest rules on the go, but the monthly income are lower then on average. Well, return on investment (ROI) in July was actually quite good (12,96%). But then in August, as the capital started to pile on my account, the interest fall down to 9,11%. Which is still very okay, just a slight bump. So next time I can prepare more, maybe set up some fallback auto invest rules?

Return on investment

The lower number of investments (loans) in July had a very negative impact on my earnings in August. It’s good I am still in the learning part of my investments and portfolio building:)

Year Month Account balance [€]  Investments Deposit Earnings [€] ROI p.a. [%] ROI p.m. [%]
2017 July 761,52 63 N/A N/A
2017 August 765,9 75 4,38 6,90 0,58
2017 September 774,62 78 8,72 13,66 1,14
2017 October 781,82 81 7,2 11,15 0,93
2017 November 791,02 82 9,2 14,12 1,18
2017 December 800,26 86 9,24 14,02 1,17
2018 January 1202,22 89 390,96 11 16,49 1,37
2018 February 1219,13 132 16,91 16,88 1,41
2018 March 1234,27 136 15,14 14,90 1,24
2018 April 1245,57 140 11,3 10,99 0,92
2018 May 1259,79 142 14,22 13,70 1,14
2018 June 1272,6 146 12,81 12,20 1,02
2018 July 1286,34 122 13,74 12,96 1,08
2018 August 1296,11 143 9,77 9,11 0,76

Next steps

I already talked about it couple months ago and I will make another deposit on Mintos in September and will round my investment there to 2000€. I am investing on Mintos since March 2017 and I didn’t have any bad experience with it and I feel like my investments are safe there. The goal for Q1 2019 would be to increase the investment to 4000€ on Mintos, while still investing only 10€ in each loan. This way the portfolio should be well balanced and diversified. Mintos introduced it’s loan originator ranking, which is great news. You can easily check the Mintos recommendation and invest only in the loans by well financed loan originators. I will surely use these rankings, to broaden up my autoinvest rules.

mintos ranking

All in all, I am happy with the passive income while travelling. Of course, it could be better, but Mintos interest paid for couple of nights on my Road to Santiago in summer 2018.

Read next:  How to transfer money abroad without fees?

Other investment opportunities

I have recently published a review of P2P real estate platform Bulkestate. It might be a good diversification, as there are currently no real estates loans on Mintos and we all know, how are real-estate prices sky rocketing. So why not to have a share. If you trust real estates more than personal loans, you also might consider Crowdestate.

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